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2 fishs (one betta) in one tank

23 14:01:29

I have a male betta fish and I was thinking about putting a plecostamus fish in with it to eat the algae in a tank around 1.5 liters if it is to small of a tank please tell me what size tank I should I have?                      I need to know as soon as possible.        Thanks,Rosey

Hey Rosey

Your tank is way too small!

I would get a 29 gallon immediately then you could have the plecostamus in but you shouldn't really keep a betta in a bowl that size!

If you got the 29 gallon you could start a small community such as the pleco, the Betta, add some tetras like the black neon, try some cherry barbs and a trio of platies!

Hope this helped      Jack