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Tank washed with dish soap

23 11:45:06

I have a 10 gallon tropical fish tank that has been washed with dish soap.
Is there anything I can do to insure that it is safe for fish again?
Thank you for your attention!

Hi Jon;

If it's only the tank itself that was exposed to soap, just rinse it out very well and it will hopefully be okay. Using plain white vinegar can break up the soap so it won't cling as well. I've found vinegar helps get rid of soap residue on other household things and it's perfectly safe to use in aquariums. I would use a cup of plain white vinegar for every ten gallons of tank water. Just let the vinegar and water sit in the tank for a couple of hours and rinse the tank out with plain water afterward.

If the decorations, gravel, rocks, plants were exposed to soap you might consider replacing them. They tend to be a porous (have microscopic holes) and the soap may not ever fully rinse out. Also replace filter pads, foam, carbon, etc. if it was exposed to the soap. You won't get it out of those. The filter itself (usually a plastic box, canister, etc.) can be rinsed with vinegar too. Just throw away the media (pads, carbon, etc.)

I hope it all works out okay. You will need to know about the break-in period to get your tank started safely. Here is a link to my page about it to help you get it going;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins