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Bettas and chinese algea eaters

23 14:03:37

I have had a betta in a 35 litre tank with 4 neon tetras since March.  They have been getting on fine.  I recently added 2 chinese algea eaters.

I came back from work today to find my betta had very damaged fins and his top fin is wound together and is hardly even there.  I was wondering what i can do to help the poor guy and to find out what you think might have happened?  

Thanks in advance

Hello Steph,
It would appear that your chinese algae eaters have attacked your betta. They are actually quite aggressive and territorial fish, and honestly the tank is too small to add any other fish anyway.
Return them and wait until you get another tank (at least 20 gallons) and then try again with compatible fish.
You can add slime coat replacers and/or aquarium salt to help your betta recover faster and prevent infection.