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Betta has fuzzy thing hanging off thin fin

23 15:07:06


I've had my betta a year now.  He is kept in a 1/2 gallon bowl.  In October, I noticed him belly up often and not as active as before.  I've recently added gravel, betta conditioner and moved his bowl to warmer surroundings.  There is a 25 watt bulb on during daylight hours to keep the tank warmer for him.  He has responded nicely and is no longer belly up and swims much better. Today I noticed a fuzzy white substance forming on one of his front longer straight hanging fins.  What should I do?

Thank you,


Hi Donna;

He has an infection called saprolegnia. Gently pull the ugly part off with a damp paper towel and add 1/4 of a teaspoon of aquarium salt or any other pure salt to his water. (Not table salt, it has additives.) This helps kill the nasty stuff. Melafix also helps too. It has natural ingredients that treat infection and help fins grow back again.

If you can get his bowl even warmer that will help a lot too. Saprolegnia hates heat. Get a thick towel to wrap most of the bowl in to insulate it. Don't cover the light or you may cause a fire danger. Just be very careful.

Saprolegnia usually attacks injuries. He may have bumped himself or gotten his fin caught when you cleaned his bowl last time. That can happen by accident without you even knowing.

Hope he feels better soon.....

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