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Blood worms

23 11:09:38

I've tried to feed the blood worms to the Molly but she just isn't interested. My first question is:
Why is the Molly not interested in the blood worms?
The blood worms look like fish waste, my next question is:
So how can I tell if the stuff in my tank is waste or worms?
I found the female guppy hiding in the plants. I have one plant in the tank and she is hiding in it. It looks like she wants privacy. So my next question is: Why is the female interested in the plant while the male isn't?
Finally I sometimes catch the male guppy chasing the female. So my last question is : Why is the male guppy chasing the female?
I noticed the chasing was like how the male Molly chased the female, when he was alive.
1. Why is the Molly not interested in the blood worms?
2. What is the difference between fish waste and blood worms?
3. Why is the female interested in the plant while the male isn't?
4. Why is the male guppy chasing the female?
Thanks a lot, bye 4 now!

Hi Manahil,

1.  The Molly will be interested within a few days.  Give her time to adjust to the worms.  
2.  The difference between fish waste and bloodworms is very clear.  The bloodworms are waxy and red, unless you got the bloodworm cubes. If so, I recommend feeding them only 1/4 a cube every day instead of a whole cube.  There won't be any waste left to dissolve in the tank and bits will all be eaten.
3.  The female is interested in the plant, because she recognizes it as food and shelter for her young. She may have instinctive traits which guide her to be around plants.  Females birth young, so plants are known to be safe, secure and food sources for young.  Perhaps, the fish knows this instinctively.
4.  He's chasing the female to breed with it.  It is normal behavior.

Hopefully this was helpful. :)

Happy fish-keeping.
