Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > lobster


23 11:31:30

QUESTION: My granddaughter has a blue lobster and, today, I noticed that it has a fungus, like cotton, on one of his claws.  What could I do for him?  He is in a 10 gallon freshwater tank.

ANSWER: Hi Toni,
 That is a tough question.  The medicines that one typically uses to treat fungus typically contain copper and copper is pretty lethal to invertebrates (such as a lobster) so I would not recommend using any of those that contain copper.   

-- Ron
   Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks, Ron, but, is there something that you could suggest for me to use?  I started using Pimafix before I received your answer.  I don't know if it contains copper. It doesn't say.  It dousn't seem to have affected the lobster, but, he doesn't seem to be getting rid of it either.  Any suggestions that you could give me will be appreciated.

Thank you,

Hi Toni,
  To be honest, I don't know of anything that would be effective, but does not contain copper. You can keep trying the Pimafix but I don't know if it will do anything.  The other option would be to catch the lobster and gently scrape off the fungus.

-- Ron C.
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