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swim bladder and fiber

23 11:09:06

I think my fish has swim bladder. She is a fantail goldfish and she is eating but she is finding it almost impossible to swim down and is swimming near the top most of the time as a result. She shares a  32 gallon tank with 7 other goldfish. If I do the 3 day "fast" and I want to introduce fiber,instead of peas, can I use a fiber powder? Do you know if anyone has ever tried that?

Dana, I got your question in a pod of other questions referred to the fish experts by another expert.  This means it might have sat in the que for days without being seen, but I saw it today and got it out to help you.

Your fish has swim bladder disorder, caused by dirty water.

One goldfish to every 20 gallons of water is the rule while young, and as adults one goldfish per 25 to 50 gallons of water.

Certainly with 7 in a 32 gallon tank, there are water quality issues.

Change the water thoroughly, clean all filtration and keep changing it bi-weekly at a rate of 25%.  

The fish will right herself within a week. :)

Happy fish-keeping.
