Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > somethings not right with my beta...

somethings not right with my beta...

23 15:08:25

I have had this particular beta fish for about six months and have had many betas before.  He lives in one of those little beta hexagon tanks and has been perfectly content ever since I got him.  I change the water about every week (sometimes it goes a little longer) and feed him 4 little pellets daily.  In the past week, however, he has developed what I would call a bloated belly right under his head front fins.  He seems to be swimming around normally, however.  I am truly concerned about him because he is like a child to me! I would greatly appreciate any help!

Hi Emily;

Try feeding him little chunks of green peas to be sure he isn't constipated. Feed only peas and no regular food for a couple of days. Peas are very good for fish and keep their intestines 'regular'. It's an easy and safe remedy. If his belly gets smaller then you'll know it was constipation.

Or, he might simply be a fat little fella. Cut back on his food to only 2 pellets a day and see how it goes. If his water is warmer it will make him more active by speeding up his metabolism too so he can exercise. Get it to 78 or higher. Put his tank in as warm a place as possible. You can even put a lamp close to it to get the heat from that. It will have to be left on 24 hours a day. Let it rise slowly and avoid adding warmer water to raise the temperature. It could shock him.

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Chris Robbins

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