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help quick!!

23 14:28:50

my goldfish cannot stay upright and keeps falling to the bottom of the tank. Also he does not like being in the water!! he seems to prefer it out of the water and it looks as if he can breath better... what shall i do?


Sorry for that , but either your fish was poisoned or having a swimming bladder internal damage , in both cases Try making water changes and filtering with activated carbon to alleviate the problem.

Both cases are hard to treat because you can hardly till the reason for it , in order to remove it , but not the damage of it , that was the result of certain actions you did not noticed from its beginnings ,

What you have to do as i told you is to cause no more pain for the fish , try to eliminate the pain as much as you can , since no external symptoms to treat , so no need to make it suffer from treatment , except maybe antibiotics to improve gill function or salt bath ,

Healthy fish generally have strong immune systems and are capable of resisting most pathogens, but when stress weakens the fish, the fish becomes more susceptible to illness. There are several circumstances, including non-living and living factors, that can lead to that stress.