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tippy toes

23 11:05:29

kind scared at the prospect of TB...
she does look  different, swimming all weird, spine a bit crooked? is there a possibility of this also being swim bladder disorder?how can i treat this? she  went back to not, last water change i accidently siphoned water into my mouth and spit it out so i am in trouble if its TB...i was reading about swim bladder, i read that can give them the S shaped spine too, and it's much simpler a thing...i just know i need to make a move, should i medicate her?

If it were swim bladder, she would be swimming upside down, and laying on her side. I do not believe that swim bladder is the problem. Also, if swim bladder she would be very bloated. Usually, when I fish does not normally have a bent or crooked spine and then develops one, there is a problem. Fish TB is what I thought of first. Bent spine, swimming funny, not eating are all signs of fish TB. The thing with fish is it is never a good idea to medicate them if you do not see any signs of illness, ie white spots or injury. If she is bloated you can add some Epson salt to her water at the same ratio as regular aquarium salt.