Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Discolored


23 15:02:57

20 gal. age 3 months
pH :8
amm :0
NO2 :.25
NO3 :25
I have six African Cichlids and only one has changed color over night. I don't know the actual name of the fish but I call it z for zebra. It has black white and yellow, horizontal stripes. Today when I woke up I noticed that all of the colors have a darkness to them. They have all turned a shade of brown. I have seen no other signs of symptoms. Any help is appreciated.

Thank you, Russ

Hi Russ,
  It could be in the genus Melanochromis.  

  Changing color is not necessarily a bad thing; it can be a very good thing. It can indicate that the fish are maturing and are thinking about breeding.  I wouldn't worry at all unless they start looking lethargic or some other problem.

-- Ron
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