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south american ciclids

23 11:44:06

hi lynda...i have been reading your q&a's. i am new to fish. have a 14 gallon tank with barbs and tetras and albino cats.
i am interesting in getting started with ciclids. as you said, people in the pets stores are just interested in selling fish. however, one young lady suggested that i start with ciclids. this is really a growing and learning process with me. could yo suggest two starter fish for my new 55 gallon tank. i would then like to progerss to angels. can you let me know temp/ph/salt, etc. for the starters. thank you very much.

Hi Alan,
You must let your tank cycle for around 3 weeks without putting any fish in it.  Let your tank run, and after three weeks, check your ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates.  If your ammonia is zero, your nitrites zero, and your nitrates are safe, then you can add two small angel fish.  Buy them the same size.  Wait one more week, do a 25% water change, check your water again.  If your water chemistry is right, you can add two more fish.  Do this until your have the fish you want in your tank.  There is no starter fish in my book, I go by the rules, and cycle the tank first, before putting any fish in it.  Why put a fish through this misery?  The tank will cycle, and it is best to take your time, and let it cycle with no fish in it.  It would be wise to buy tests kits at your pet store or Walmart.  We always need them.
Angels need acidic water which means they can go from 6.5 to 7.0 PH, and the water temperature should be 80-82 degrees.  One teaspoon of salt to 5 gallons of water.
You might like to read up on Cichlids, as they do not all get along, and they do not all live in the same kind of water.  For instance you like Angels, so you can put Rams with Angels, one golden Severum, and a school of Rainbow fish.  You need tall plants, and driftwood in your tank.  Rocks, and overturned pots at the bottom for rams to hide in, and make their territories.  They must have hiding places.  Cichlids are aggressive, and territorial, some more than others, so try to buy them the same size.  You can only put one golden severum in your tank as they grow quite big.  It all depends on what you want.  I can't tell you what I like, as our likes, and dislikes may differ.  Read on them, write back to me, and tell me what fish you do like, and I will tell you what fish, and how many you can put into your tank.  Some Gouramis mix with Cichlids.  The little golden gourami may be mixed, but better to keep only males, and floating plants.
Read about them, look on the web, you will see lots of pretty fish, then when you know exactly what you want, write back to me, and I will help you.  
For now, let your tank cycle on it's own with no fish in it.