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All my fish are dying!!

23 11:20:39

It all started with one of our guppies, started to look like it had bloat! This morning I found him floating, I took him out, put some stress coat in the tank, fed the other fish and went on my marry way to work. When I got home I had to flush 3 fish right away, now 4 hours later I have flushed 5 more. I only have 2 fish that look healthy. One fish I flushed had cloudy eyes, but the others looked normal, They are all just kinda hanging out at the bottom of the tank now. barely keeping up right! What could be causing this? they seem to be really pail loosing color. Please HELP!!!!

Hi Katie,
 What is happening is that as one fish dies, it pollutes the water. This makes the water more toxic causing another fish to die.  That makes the water more toxic and so on.  I call it the death cascade.  You need to change a lot of the water immediately. That is the only thing that might stop this.  I would change 50% of the water right now, then change 50% again tomorrow and then again on the next day.  This is NOT the same as changing 100% today.

-- Ron C.
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