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Weird bug looking parasites on my goldfish.

23 14:03:51

I have 1 healthy goldfish in my 2 gallon tank, however today I was looking closely and saw 3 tiny almost bug looking parasites on the fins. They look like they have antennae or something moving, maybe like legs. They are flat, transparent gray, and the larger of the 3 has tiny black spots. What is this? Are they a threat to my fish? What in the heck do I do?!

Hello Sarah-

It sounds like your fish has a case of fish lice.

It's going to be tricky to get these things off of him, because some of the best medicine is only available to commercial ponds. The best way to remove them is to simply get a pair of tweezers and pull the lice off. Soak a clean towel in your fish's tank water, then scoop your fish out and lay him on the towel. Wait until he calms down, or hold him down gently with a fold of cloth. Grab each louse with the tweezers and pull it free. There will probably be a bite wound left over that you can treat with (surprisingly) Neosporin. Give your fish 12 hours to recover, then clean the tank thoroughly, scrubbing down everything, even the plants.

If you can't do this method, or your fish is too small, I would recommend calling some professional fish stores near you to see what chemicals they have. Tell them that your fish has a slight case of fish lice (argulus) and you are looking for a chemical treatment. Mention that he is in a tank, not a pond. If you can't find any chemicals, you will have to go with the first option.

Good luck, and I wish you and your fish the best,
-Amber Worman