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temperature spike

23 14:06:06

heya, i keep discus fish, and up untill last night, kept them at 28 degrees C. i
read on the internet they do better at 30, so just moved my thermostat up to
30. however this morning, one of the discus was hovering in a slightly tilted
position, so his head points towards the floor. these simptons apparently are
those of a temperature spike - which, would make sense.. no? but yeh, ive
never come across this with any fish, do you know if he will recover by
himself? or shall i reverse the temperature? i think maybe bringing it back
down will just add to the problem..? cheers for any help! josh

Hello Josh,
There are many things that could cause this, and given the very small amount of info that I have I really cannot be certain whether or not the temperature change was the cause. There is a slight chance that it is in fact that problem though, if the temperature went up too fast. It is better to transition slowly anything new, but a degree or two a day normally does not cause such a shock. However, if they have always have 28 C then it is possible. Try lowering it to 29 today, then 28 tomorrow or the next, and see how that helps. If not, you may want to test your water to see what the real problem is.