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crooked spine

23 14:14:18

We have about 5 little fish and a pleko and a little red tailed shark in our tank. One of our smaller fish, we aren't sure of the specific breed, has formed a crooked spine. It didn't always have it, and he is still active and eating regularly. We just want to make sure it is not a disease that is contagious so the other fish do not get sick.

Danielle,                                                    Since this is not a goldfish it is not vitamin c deficiency. Though it could be another vitamin deficiency. Make sure you are varying their diet. It could be caused by electrical surges affecting your heater or lighting (doubtful). The thing is it could be tuberculosis. This is what it sounds like. It is contagious to other fish if they eat their feces. It can also be contagious to you if you have a cut or wound. Go and get Kenamycyn or Erythromycin. These are successful treatments for him. It is often caused by poor diet. Poor kept tanks. They are usually lethargic and general poor health. Most important skeletal deformities. Good Luck, tina