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betta fish issues

23 11:13:22

QUESTION: We bought a double half moon tail betta from the pet store at the end of
june this year. He currently is residing in a 2 gallon tanks with
undergravel filter and heater that maintains the water between 80 and
82 degrees.

He was happy healthy alert and social I guess you could say. We bought
him a "buddy" about six weeks ago.... an african dwarf frog. Well I looked
over about two weeks ago to find that the frog had clamped on to his
fins and was holding on for the rode while the betta "indy" was trying to
escape. I immediately removed the frog and put him onto the 55 gal

It has been almost two weeks. Indy's fins looked somewhat shredded, he
is lathargic, chills out at the top of the tank all day behind the heater.
You can reach in and touch him and he scurries away, will try to make it
to the bottom but once he stops trying he floats right back up.
Sometimes swimming on his side for a minute or so and then
straightening out. We have fasted him for the last three days and gave
him very little today. Just a few flakes once to see if he would eat. Also
did a complete water change. And took out a decoration my husband
discovered had looked like it was oxidizing and paint was chipping from.
The petstore recommended giving him melafix for his fins to protect
against infection. And today while I was putting his tank back it tipped
and he fell out. We were able to catch him and throw him in to his tank
before he died, but I don't know what else to do. Is there any way he
could recover from all of this? I don't like seeing him suffer.

ANSWER: Christina,
 African Dwarf Frogs need to go to the surface to get air. The tank they are to be housed in can only be filled up to 5 inches. He most likely latched on to the Betta for a ride to the top and it scared the fish and then the frog scared and would not let go. Betta's do not need "buddies". They are very happy living alone. I am not a fan of under gravel filters, and with the size of his tank, he really doesn't need one. I always tell people when doing water changes, always bring the water to the tank, not the tank to the water. That way it keeps them from falling or jumping out of the water. There really isn't anything more you can do for him right now. He has been through a huge shock and if his is healthy he should pull through in about a week. Never put anything in an aquarium that is not made for it. If paint starts to chip, your nosy Betta is going to try to eat it. Since you have a filter, do not do complete water changes. Always vacuum the gravel but leave the bottom inch alone. That is where the much needed bacteria is and when you clean the whole thing the tank will recycle. I would keep him in a quiet place somewhat dark and just let him try to heal. I do not know if he will survive, but they are strong so he does have a chance. Not sure why you fasted him. Keep medicating him and let me know how he is in about 5 days.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I was feeding him once a day and was too that was too much and to fast
him for a couple of days. That was the same day that we bought the
melafix. He looked like his abdomen between his two front fins was
getting alittle pudgy or bloated


 Oh ok i got it. When he is bloated, it is most likely swim bladder disease. When he gets that, fast him for 2 days. On the third day get a frozen pea. Toss it in hot water to defrost it and cook it. Take the skin off and trow it away. DO NOT feed the shell to the fish he cannot digest it. Cut it into small pieces and feed it to him. Then fast him again for 2 days. That should fix it. If not, repeat the process. Pick one day a week to fast him. Make sure it is the same day each week. This will help him digest what he has before adding more to him. Feeding him once a day is not over feeding. I have 11 adults and the food I give them calls for 7 pellets in the morning and 7 in the evening. Please, do not feed him that much. The pellets in the stores are bigger than what I feed mine. If you want the best food, it is called Atison's Betta Food. I think you can only get it online. I started feeding that to my adults and they are healthier and happier than with store bought food. Also if you can find Black Water Extract or Betta spa they too are the best conditioners to put in his tank. They will tint the water a brownish yellow, but I now get awesome bubble nests and my fry are growing faster and seem to be healthier than the ones that were born in regular tap water. Both products are worth the money. Good luck with your Betta.