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What fish should my daughter get next ?

23 11:48:15

My 11 year old daughter has a 30 gallon tank in her bedroom,a few days ago  we had 5 female bettas,2 catfish,and a algae eater and 2 snails in there. Two of the bettas then started attacking two of the other bettas. One died a day later and the other survived. I took out the bullies and sent them back to the shop, who gave me 5 royal Cory instead( I think thats their name )they all seem to be doing fine and the betta that was injured is much better and infact has started to chase the only other betta left, (but she can't seem to catch her she's too fast and she hides well). anyway my daughter really wants something else to see swimming around the tank as the cats don't move as much as the betta's. Can you suggest something that would get on with everybody and doesn't grow to big please?

Female bettas are very aggressive.  Sometimes we might be lucky, and find one who isn't, but as much as we would like to change their character, it just won't happen.  Bettas are Bettas!  I know they say that we can keep females together in the same  tank, but I have yet to see them being nice to one another!  The dominant one will pick on the weaker ones, so in my book, one betta is the rule, male or female!
They are compatible with tetras, cherry barbs, small danios, platys, and swordtails.  The tetras, cherry barbs, and danios must be kept in groups of six, as they are a schooling fish.  The platys, and swordtails should be kept one male to 2-3 females.  Add fish to you tank slowly, and not all at once to prevent the ammonia level going up.  Do your water changes every week, and your fish should be healthy, happy, and free of disease.
Hope this helps.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for getting back to me so quickly, but your really just said I should get another 3 to 6 fish when I'm only really after getting only one more fish ! Is there nothing out there that i can buy just one of that doesn't need pairing with others of its kind or in a shoal Lydna.Or can the tank handle 3 more meduim size fish ? is that what your saying ?

The problem is that Bettas do not get along with many fish.  The Gourami family is out of the question, as they do not get along with them at all.   Cardinal tetras are small, so you could add 5-6 to your tank, or go with the Platys, and add three.   The red tail clown botia is a nice fish, but needs a bigger tank as they grow to 6-8 inches.   

Here is a list of fish that you can buy, but most live in groups.

Neon Tetras

Cardinal Tetras

Small Danios, not the giants for your tank.

Cherry barbs

Coolie loach

White cloud minnows

Glass Catfish

Corydoras Catfish




African Pygmy Frog

I hope this list helps you, I know you are looking for just one fish, but this is quite hard to do.  The ones I am thinking of need a bigger tank.  This is the problem with Bettas, it's hard to buy fish that they are compatible with.  Fish of their own family won't do, Cichlids won't do either...This list sums it up, and I hope you find something you like, and that your bettas will be happy sharing their home with.
Always do your water changes every week, and you should have no problems.
Have a nice day.