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Blue or Bolivian Rams?

23 14:44:51

Good afternoon. I have a 15 gallon tank and wish to add a couple of Rams; they look so cute!! I have been told there are Blue and Bolivian Rams, but I don't know which are the best. I have 6 neon Tetras already.

Thank you for asking your question.
It depends on what level of care you wish to supply.
Blue Rams are far more colourful than Bolivian Rams, but are slightly more sensitive to water quality. They prefer soft, acidic water (with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0, but can adapt to harder and more alkaline water.)
Bolivian Rams are hardier and can thrive with a larger range of water parameters.
So if you are willing to put an extra bit of care into keeping them, you can easily go for Blue Rams. It's up to you.
Here's a little info abut all Rams.
Preferred Temperature: 75 to 85F (24 to 27C)
Maximum Size: 3inches
Temperament: Peaceful, community fish. Does not destroy plants.
Food: Flake, live food such as bloodworm and brineshrimp.

I hope this helps.