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Dwarf Gourami nest in community tank

23 15:00:56

I have a 70 gallon freshwater tank with live plants, 4 mollies, 13 neons, 4 tetras (black skirt and various), 2 dwarf gourami, 3 ghost shrimp and a battle of pond snails.  I also have a breeding net holding 12+ baby mollies born just after Thanksgiving.  One of the gourami has built a bubble nest is the corner of the tank next to the breeding basket.  Question is I don't even know if the other one is a female.  I've read up on the dorsal fin being rounded for a female, but I honestly really cannot tell any difference between my two.  They have long staked out territory in the tank and when ever one or the other gets within the others line of sight, they chase about.  Will a gourami build a nest without a female available?  If there is a female and why he built it, what can I do to assist in the protection and raising of their young in this community tank since I do not have a controlled breeding tank?  If there is no female, what will happen next?  

Hi Matt;

Males do just fine building a nest and never actually spawning. It's a natural thing for them to do. He is now just in a "holding pattern" until a female comes swimming by and they will court. But, it's okay if one never does. Since the fish both look the same they are probably both males. If you do have a female after all and they spawn, the male cares for the eggs and young until they are free-swimming (about 4 days after spawning).

Here is more about dwarf gouramis and their breeding habits;

You will have to scroll down past the advertisments to see all of the article.

Good Luck!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins