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Male Crowntail Betta Fish

23 11:06:11

I just bought a male crown tail beta from Petco a few days ago. His body is only about 1 inch long not including his tail. How old do you think he is? Also, his fins are not as developed as crown tails are pictured on youtube and google images. Will he develop those long flowy fins as he grows up? What age are crown tail betas considered fully grown and developed?

Hi Iden,
  I have no way of knowing how old he is. The size of a fish is a function of his age, but also a function of his growth rate and that is strongly influenced by many things.  If I had to guess, I would say 6 months old.  As he gets older, his fins should develop more.  Most bettas are mature within a year because typically they do not live much more than a year or so.

-- Ron C.
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