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10 gallon tank

23 13:58:11

QUESTION: Hi, I'm relatively new to the aquarium scene. My friend bought himself a green terror and I thought it was the coolest thing, so I went out and bought myself a 10 gallon tank. I wanted to put 2 electric blue cichlids (one male, one female), and a bristlenosed catfish in it, but everything I'm reading now says that my tank is too small for the cichlids. is it too small for just one male cichlid and the catfish?

ANSWER: Hi Justine,
  It will be okay for ONE cichlid and the catfish. It will NOT be okay for two cichlids.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks. how big a tank would you recomend I get if I wanted a couple females to keep my male company?

Hi Justine,
  I would strongly recommend a minimum of a 20 gallon tank.  20 gallon tanks come in two configurations, the best one would be longer and lower -- what is known as a "20 gallon long".  This is because bottom area is much more important to most cichlids than water depth.  

-- Ron
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