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jack demsey swimming on side

23 11:01:23

i have a jack demsey and a green terror that was given to me from neighbor who moved the two were fine at first when i put them in my 45 gal. tank but then had to separate the two from each other cause what i thought were lovers and kissing fish the two found out they were trying to kill each other! so i put plexie glass and separated that didnt work ammonia and ph ok so then the fish store i deal with thought maybe it is parasite so i put parasite guard in tank so far still on side but more movement so if the doesnt work the fish guy said not to let him suffer and to put him in freezer more humane way to die!but he goes for the worms and gets them in his mouth gets a little bit and the worm gets away!so what do u think ? temp is 78 degrees oh and these fish ive had for 7 months but the lady before had them for five years or more but fish is still hanging on and moves to different spots and wants to eat? so what is the fish just old and dying? thanks hope u can help!

as you've learned, these are two type of fish that shouldn't be mixed.
it's difficult for me to fully understand your situation, but i would personally just continue to care for them as best you can. i've had cichlids recover from truly amazing injuries and illness.
these fish are also beginning to get old as you say, but they can live longer under aquarium conditions so that shouldn't be an issue yet.

sorry i couldn't offer more to help you! if you send a fallow up with greater details i may be able to provide you with more helpful advice.