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sick roseline sharks

23 13:59:14

Hi, I have a new 10 gallon sea clear aquarium with 3 little roseline sharks. I know its too small of a tank right now and I'm going to put them in a 55 gallon eventually. I've had them for probably 3-4 weeks now and since after the first weeks they have slowly started losing their color. What is interesting is that they seem to be better when the tank light is off. At least a lot calmer. When the light is off the black line they have returns but the red color doesn't. When the light is one both colors fade. They also seem to be in more detress when the light is on: darting around the tank and panting. The only visible signs I see are that their gills are a little red however I've checked the ammonia, ph, nitrate, and nitrite daily and done 40% water changes twice a week and they don't seem to be improving. I'm keeping the light off right now cause they appear more comfortable, if not a little sluggish. Any suggestions would be greatly apprecited. They are the only fish in the tank. thanks

Hi Matt,
 You are right that a 10 gallon tank is too small.

 Bright light is a problem for many fish.  Many fish would much prefer much more subdued lighting.  Basically, in bright light, many fish feel vulnerable to predators such as other fish and birds.  They tend to get used to it after a while, but it may take many weeks.

-- Ron
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