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Algae and Angels

23 14:22:11

I have a 260l tank which currently holds 3 Siamese fighters, 2 Angels, 2 Platys, 2 Swordtails 2 neons and a catfish. Ammonia, nitrogen, nitrites and nitrate levels are all very good. My main problems seems to be algae. 3 weeks ago I moved all the fish to another tank while I did a massive clean up removing and rinsing all the plastic plants  bog wood rocks etc. I changed approx 70% of the water at the same time. I returned the fish about 3 hours later when the water temperature was back up to 28.All was fine for a couple of days then the angels went down with what I have since learnt is stress virus. The smaller of the angels died and the remaining two are still very weak and showing no interest in food. They stay in a top corner of the aquarium with their faces pointing upwards.I have raised the temperature to 32.  The tank is now looking horrible again with loads of algae everywhere. The sucking catfish doesnt seem to be interested in cleaning up the tank and I have lost 9 neons and another sucking catfish in the past 10 days - just completely disappeared. Is the catfish eating the fish instead of the algae?
How do I keep the tank clean and how do I get the Angels back to health - they were laying eggs every week before I did this.

ANSWER: Lynn,          What were you thinking kiddo. You broke down your whole ecosystem. Angels are so sensitive. You are going through new tank syndrome all over again. Remember when you set it up the first time and all the changes your tank went through. You are going through them again. Never wash your rocks syphon them. Every month you should syphon and change filter medium. If you don't have a syphon go to your local pet shopand purchase one and they should be able to show you how to use it . Unfortunately there is no easy way to get rid of algea. Take a sponge and clean it. Are you city or well water? Is your algea brown or green? Please let me know and we will go from here. Hopefully we can get through this without losing anymore fish. ............Tina

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello Tina
Thanks for your reply. I am using city water with a ph of 8.5  I tested the water again last night and still all levels are zero. The algae is a yucky brown and its everywhere. I havent got a syphon but will definately get one now. I hadnt realised that Angels are so sensitive.
I thought the siamese fighters were the most delicate and they seem happy and healthy. How long does this virus last or will they always have it?

Lynne, your siamese are very hardy.... they don't need an ecosystem to live. That is why they do well in bowls with no filtration. In fact they do better without. In the meantime you are going to have to wait for your tank to cycle down again . I hope you don't lose your angels , but you may. Your water is treated with tons of phosphates to soften it. You are going to have to use reverse osmosis. Sounds so big.... its just replace at least a third of the water from another source like cheap gallons of bottled water. You have too much mineral in the city water and it does not evaporate. You have to remove it. That should stop that terrible brown algae you get even 2 or 3 days after a water change. Never wash everything again. I will work with you we will fix this ...... hopefully not at the expense of your angels. To tell you the truth though you may lose them sorry :.(......we will get your tank straight. by the way that is why your ph is too high also........ actually your angels like it a bit more acidic so bring you ph down with some ph down back to about 7.0 to 7.2..... let me know how it goes Lynne..........., Tina