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Feeding elephantnose frozen bloodworms.

23 14:57:22

  I would like to ask a question about feeding an elephant nose fish, i recently added one to my community tank and he seems quite comftorble. It is a well plant tank with plenty of drift wood. My question is im feeding him frozen blood worms as i have read many times but he for some reson does not like them? Is he establishing himself in the tank before eating or should i be feeding him live blood worms? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Regards Damien M

Hi Damien;

Elephant Nose are very interesting and very intelligent fish. It takes them longer to adjust to a new home than most fish.

Try feeding him at night. They are nocturnal and don't usually try to eat when the lights are on at first. If he still will not eat, you may have to try another food. Some will only eat live foods like tubifex worms or even baby guppies. Once he gets used to things and is eating heartily you can change to other foods.

Here are some profiles about them to give you more info;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins