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Breeding Bettas... HELP!

23 11:48:20

QUESTION: I just bought two bettas from Petco yesterday and the female has a white dot sticking out from between her fins. I assumed this was an egg and am floating her in my male bettas 10 gallon breeding tank. He is really interested in her and he keeps flaring, he also built a bubble nest (sort of) under my Styrofoam cup. Should i let them out? I tried to give them some conditioning food, but they wont eat! Help!

ANSWER: Hello,
This is not the way to breed bettas.  Separate them as soon as possible.  The right way to breed bettas is to have three tanks ready.  One for the male, one for the female, and one for spawning.  When a female betta is pregnant she has a white dot near the anus, and is plump.  The breeding tank should have lots, of hiding places for the female.  You put the male, and the female in this tank at the same time.  He will start to build a nest, she will go to him, and he will chase her away with intent to kill her, which is why you must have lots of hiding places.  When he is ready, he will give her a sign, and she will go to him.  He will wrap himself around her, and squeeze her so that the eggs come out.  He then blows the eggs into the nest.  She will go back to her hiding place, picking up the eggs that fell to the bottom of the tank.  She will go back to him, and he will repeat, and she will blow the eggs that fell to the bottom of the tank without him noticing that she did.  You must never take your eyes off them.  This could last anywhere from 1 to 4 hours.  When they have finished, you must quickly remove the female, as she is tired, worn out, and the Male at this point will kill her.  Never feed the bettas during the spawn.
Put her back in her own tank, and feed her well.  She will be weak, and maybe have some fins torn, she will need attention.  Feeding her good foods, making sure her water is clean, and free of ammonia, is the only way to help her.
Never put 2 bettas in the same tank, male or female, this would result in one of them being killed which is usually the female.  
After the spawn the betta stays with his fry for three days, then he must be removed.  
When the fry are free swimming you must feed them food that you will find at the Pet Store for egg layers.  
It isn't an easy task to breed bettas, so please read up on them before you breed them.
Hope this helps

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you, but since i last talked to you, the bettas have embraced and i saw a few eggs fall the problem is that he didn't pick up the eggs. Any advice?

The male betta will not pick up eggs that have fallen to the bottom of the tank.  He blows the eggs into the nest as he squeezes her...but the eggs that fall, he will not touch.  The female will pick up as many as she can making sure the male does not see her do this.  When she goes back to him, she blows the ones she could pick up back into the nest without him seeing her do this.   Some eggs will stay at the bottom, and will not hatch.  You cannot save them all.
It could also be their first time, and sometimes they are not too good at  but watch them carefully.  Have a tank ready for the female.  When he starts chasing her, and you see her hiding, and there is no more embrace, take her out of that tank as fast as you can, or he will kill her.  There is no exception to the rule, a betta is wicked after the spawn.    Don't turn away from this spawn until the female is out of danger.
The Betta male will stay with his fry for 3-4 days, then he will eat them if not taken out.  