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anchor worms

23 15:09:08

I'm in charge of the fish tank at the holiday inn that I work at. It's a 265 gal tank with two 1000gph filters. The ph runs about7.1 with alk at 85 ppm and the nitrite and nirates levels are within tolarances. we have native fish, mostly bluegill and long eared sun fish with two speices of crayfish, golden and ozarken, the problem is anchor worms. A couple of the fish have a infestation and the only meds I can find say not to use with the crayfish. It's next to impossible to get the fish out of the tank to treat them without major stress. Is there something I can use to get rid of the worms without harming the crayfish?

Hi Randy;

I haven't found a remedy for the anchor worm yet that is safe for the crayfish. You might see if they can be removed for a while and treat the fish. The problem with any treatment is that even when the worms are killed, you usually have to pull them off of the fish. The part that is in the flesh is a hard bony barb and stays put pretty well.

I posted your question on the freshwater fish forum and so far no one has any answers for me except to contact a large public aquarium. They may have some suggestions for you.

Here is the link to the question on the forum. Watch it and I will post anything new I find there;

I didn't want to make you wait any longer to hear from me, even though I really don't have much to tell you.

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At Your Service;
Chris Robbins