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Blue Acara`s

23 14:12:28

Hi i have 2 Blue Acara`s in a tank with 2 cory cats the cats are fine but the acara are always sitting on the bottom, they eat well and move about a bit but never seem to swim like normal i have had them about 2 yrs and were in a larger tank with some Haps but were getting a bit chewed, so i moved them into a smaller tank with the cories they were ok at 1st, but for about 3 weeks have been on the bottom i cant see anything wrong with them,do you have any ideas? thanks :o)

Hi Dawn,
 Do you have a heater in the tank?  Is the temp up near 80oF? If not, that would cause fish like acaras to basically sit around -- they need
warm water.

-- Ron
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