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Aged Betta

23 11:56:47

I bought a Betta for less than $3 @ a local Wal Mart & had to ask a couple
questions. "Moby" has been with me for four, going on five years now. I am
rather surprised given everyone I know who has had a Betta has
ceremoniously flushed it in less than a year.
I have well water, fill a jug, let it sit for 3 weeks @ room temp. and then
change his water. I clean his vase once a month. There's small rocks on the
bottom and small clippings from an Arrowhead plant for hiding space. He eats
well, is always receptive to my vase side presence and has been a colorful
addition to my living room (he matches the color on the walls!)
Lately, I've noticed he's moving a little slow-(almost thought he was dead a
couple times or dying) No spots, and appetite is still good. He just seems to
be slowing down. Is it uncommon for a Betta to live as long as Moby?  Can I
do anything to perk him up or should I just prepare for my geriatric Betta to
swim to the big fishbowl in the sky soon?
Thank you!

A betta who is well kept, may live for 8 years.  We do not know their age when we buy them, but I would say that he is getting on in age, and slowing down.  If he is still eating, this is a good sign.  Do not treat him, if nothing other than slowing down is happening.  It really is amazing that he has lived so long in a vase!  They usually die when put in small containers.  Your vase must be quite big!
Treat him with kindness, like you always have, and hopefully he should keep on living for a little while.  Fish are like us, when they get older, they slow down.  It's sad, but there is nothing we can do, but be kind to them.