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New pregnant Molly not looking good... REPLY SOON!!

23 11:04:11

Ok, so the PetCo person said my new black Molly was pregnant, but she isn't doing so well.  She is staying at the bottom or top sometimes by the heater and filter. I read somewhere that when they stay in a place they are about to give birth.
Is that true?
What are some of the signs that she is about to give birth so I can move her?
Please reply as quick as you can I really need help!

Yes, it is true that she will hang out at the bottom or up top. If she starts chasing fish, that is another sign. If she is hanging out at the bottom, she should have her fry any day. If you can see the gravid spot, that too is a sign. If you choose to move her, make sure the tank she is going in has been cycled, and is the same temperature as the tank she is in now. If the tank has not been cycled, the chance of survival of the fry is very low. You can get a breeders net at any pet store. It goes into the main tank, and the fry are separated from the mom. You can also add a lot of floating plants for the fry to hide in. Mom and other fish in the tank will eat the fry if they can get them.