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My new oscar

23 11:44:22

Hey Lynda, you seem to be well experienced in fish, that is
great. I bought an Albino Tiger Oscar just yesterday. I have
seen tank requirements, for one oscar, ranging from 50 - 75
gal. I worry because my tank is only a 50 gal, which I was
assured would be ample. Is 50 gal. going to be harmful for
my new friend? He's about 4 in. currently and living solo.
Also while on the subject of my new cichlid, I notice he is
very shy when I approach the tank, he hides behind his
decorations. Is this normal and more importantly can I get
him out of his shyness eventually?

Hi Joe.
He will be happy if kept alone in your 50 gallon tank.  This is a new home for him, so he is a little fearful.  Not to worry, as he will come around, and you will become very attached to him, and him to you.  Oscars are very intelligent fish.  Do his water changes every week, and make sure he has no ammonia, or nitrites in his water.  Feed him well.  They need vitamins, so vary his food.  Buy him crickets at the pet store, they are very good for him, and minnows (regular, and not smoked) and worms at your bait store.  To clean the worms, put them in oats for a week or so.  Never feed him crickets, or worms that you find, because they may have pesticides in them, and this would be very bad of your Oscar.   You should also feed him peas, carrots, green beans, broccoli, spinach, that you find in the frozen section of your Market.  Blanch the veggies first, let them cool, and then feed some to your Oscar.  Apples, Bananas, and Mangoes should be fed now, and then.  A good quality flake from your pet store, and pellets are very good for him.  Soak the pellets a little before giving them to your Oscar.  This is because it is easier for him to digest, and avoid constipation, and Swim Bladder Disease.  You can also feed him fish that you find at your Market that are frozen, and come from lakes, and rivers.  Make sure they do not come from salty waters.  Unfreeze a piece, and give this to your pet, he will love it!  
When fish have healthy diets, and clean water, they rarely get sick.
Enjoy your little pet, and if you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to write me.  I love Oscars!