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Combining Chiclids

23 14:24:26

I have a 29 gal. chiclid with 1 african chiclid i believe (yellow and black in color mainly black though). I also have 1 10 gal tank with an orange chiclid and a algae eater...both tanks have been established for about 4 or so years now and i want to combine everything into the 29 gal...on the other hand i have read that this is difficult due to established territories. I have also read that when putting them together to also change everything around in the tank so that there are no established territories. i have plenty of cover for territory...please let me know what else i have to do if i can even do it...

thank you

Hi Matt,
 As you mentioned, it is very tough to combine two fish which have each had their own space for a long time.  Having lots of cover is the best thing you can do. Also, be prepared to remove one if things don't work out.

-- Ron
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