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My fish jumped out of the bowl

23 13:57:27

I have two betta fish both in their own quarter gallon bowl in the shape of a martini glass both have betta friendly plants to hide in and have a live bamboo stick. I keep them both by the kitchen window. I dont have a heater of filter and I change the water weekly. They are both males that I keep on either sides of the kitchen sink. I fed them both twice a day, about 4 or 5 pellets. Just yesterday I came home to find one of them dried to my kitchen counter. The other betta seems fine and has lots or bubbles. Any guesses as to why my fish jumped?

Hello Christina,
The problem is the "Martini Glass" that you are keeping them in. I have seen these. No fish should really be kept in them - it is far too easy for them to jump out. It is much too shallow, and simply does not have enough swimming room. I recommend buying instead a 2 gallon or larger tank for you fish, one that has plenty of surface volume - being that Betta's are labyrinth fish. I understand the martini glass bowl may look "cooler", but honestly, no living thing should be used for the purpose. I'm sure you can find something else creative to use the Martini Glass for, but it should not be used as a permanent home for any fish.
Hope this has helped you to better understand the needs of you betta!