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My Bettas White Tumor

23 11:07:13

I have a betta who I have had for a long period of time. and about 6 months ago i started noticeing a white spot on this fin... right where his body ends. Now after 6months he has grow 5 times the size and is sticking off his body. I know its not Ick... just not sure how to treat it. He is eating fine still.... but doesnt swim much anymore (thinking due to it being on his fin it hurts him to move it??) so he just sleeps alot and lays at the bottom of his bowl. I went to petsmart and it doesnt really seem they know what they are doing....

Do you have any idea how to treat him with something. So that the tumor goes away??


Unfortunately, fish just get tumors and we don't know why. Sometimes they get them because their water quality is bad. IF he is in a 2.5 gallon tank WITH a heater make sure it is set at 80 degrees at all times. Betta's, and no other fish, belong in any type of bowl. You can treat him with salt water baths, they should help him out. He is probably not swimming due to the lump, but he isn't swimming also due to water temp. Betta's are tropical and need their water warm at all times. Also, make sure you are doing 25% water changes every 3 days to help keep the water clean. Its a shame that most large chain pet stores employ people and do not train them for the department they work in. If you add the heater, do the salt water baths and keep his water quality good, he should be ok.