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platy babies

23 14:31:39

hi, Im Amie. Im 11 years old and have recently set up a community aquarium.
<heres a brief idea of my aquarium> it was all my idea and my mum and dad said that it was my job to maintain, clean, feed and generally look after. i bought my tank about 2 months ago and my water levels were worrying high after set-up, but after a month of water changes and chemical alterations it was all safe. i started with 2 mini mouse platys (they're great!!!) and then 2 guppies (1 has died of  NTS =[) then 2 golden sucking loaches.
<now then... my problem>
a week ago i took on the task of a pregnant sunset platy. I've bought all the gear and put her into a netted breeder and she has had her first few babies a few days ago. the process is slow and i think she has finished her pregnancy
but her babies are acting strange. there are 7 swimming around but about 15 or so that are just white with black eyes that don't move... are they dead?, premature?, or did the stress of the first few make her abort the pregnancy  therefore killing her remaining fry? I'm really worried so please could or ask someone else for me. if you could find a solution that would be great!
from Amie

PS here is some info on my tank:
i have 3 pieces of bogwood,
7 fake plants,
2cm(min)-5cm(max)of medium gravel,
50x25x30 cm approx,
8.2 UK gallons capacity.  

Hello Amie,
WOW! you sound like you know A LOT about the fish and fish tank you have. IM SO GLAD YOUVE TAKEN THIS SO SERIOUSLY!
Anywho back on track, first, stick a net in the place where the babies are and see if the black eyed white ones move at all, if not then kind of gently bump them with the net, if they still dont move i beleive they are probably just born dead :( Be careful though they mey just be an odd color from a gene the mother has, so be sure there dead before you fluch them!
