Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > **Urgent** Help! something is eating my goldfishs skin!

**Urgent** Help! something is eating my goldfishs skin!

23 13:55:29

Hi my fantail goldfish Tony seems really ill. His tail has become very frayed and he has holes in his flesh where there is bllod coming out. Help! is there anything I can do to cure this? I recently introduced a new plant into the tank. it has purple and green leaves. I am worried because my other goldfoish had the same symproms and died shortly after. Please reply quickly. Thanks

I'm not into goldfish, but I will try my best to help you.  He has fungus, and you will have to treat him...I would try Maracyn is a good treatment, and I hope you save your fish.  Meanwhile, you may try to get in touch with a goldfish expert...but if you can't, and it takes too long, use Maracyn2. (Run, don't walk to the Pet Store) I have had alot of success with this medication.  You could also use Malafix...follow the instructions on the bottle, and make sure you shake the bottle well before using it.  This is a good medication too.
I just want to add, Fungus disease happens when your tank is not kept up like it should be.  Many people don't know this, but if you have ammonia in your water, this is very bad for fish.  Check your ammonia, make sure it is at zero, then treat with medication. The Pet Store sells these test kits for a small sum, and it should be Number one, in your fish cabinet.  Ammonia is the number one killer of fish, so check it before adding any medication to your tank.  If you have ammonia in your tank, do water changes until you get rid of it, then treat your fish.
Hope this helps