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Siemese fighting fishbettabreeding...

23 14:22:20

Hi Thomas,
I had a M and FM in the same tank. 30ltr. 80 degrees F. 6 inches of water.
She filled up with eggs and stay on the bottom of tank. He'd chase her around. Going good so far....He then blew bubbles"nest" ( they just looked like normal bubbles though)...chasing...bubbles...for about 4 days. Then she just died!!! What went wrong?

You had them in the same tank together for too long. Your approach was good, but a few things got mixed up in the order of how you do it.

I would take a bare tank, fill it halfway with water, let the male build his bubble nest in it, then set the female in the aquarium in an open container so that when she is ready..she will jump out and go to the male. Take the female out afterwards to avoid the males aggression. Remember how you left the bottom bare? Well, whenever the eggs fall from the bubble nest, the male can easily pick them up and put them back where they belong.  Once they've hatched, remove the male and feed infusoria until they're large enough for baby brine shrimp.