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Beta cant swim, think hes sick.

23 14:48:27

My daughter has had a blue betta for about 2 years now.  He has
always been a top of the water floater and is very friendly, will
even suck your finger.  After changing his last water, he became
very lathargic and remains at the bottom of the tank.  When we
talk to him he tries  very hard to come to the top and swim
around but it is as if one side of his body is not cooperating and
he swims almost on his side.  He works very hard at swimming
but then just falls right back down to the bottom and looks like
hes dead.  His body is also bent in a wierd shape.  His color is
also not as bright, almost has a grayish/white tent to it.  Any
ideas?  Is he just getting old or is there something we might be
able to do to save our personable "blueberry?"  


Hello Amber-

I'm sorry to say, but Blueberry is very very old for a betta. Two years is about the maximum nowadays, unfortunately. :(

The bent spine and lack of coordination are probably the start of neural degeneration. Bettas also lose their color as they age, and tend to become more "laid-back."

Did you do the water change exactly as you usually do?
Did you spray any aerosols near the tank?
Is his water warm and safe from drafts?

All I can recommend is re-change the water, and be sure it's warm (80 F or above.) Use water conditioner, and allow it to set for 5 minutes before adding Blueberry. Also, add a dose of Melafix (a plant extract that works wonders on bettas) and a dose of aquarium salt.

He may perk up, or he may not. I really wish I could do more, because I know how hard it is to say goodbye to your little ones. :( Just try to keep him in a tip-top environment, and make his life easy for him.

Wishing you and Blueberry the best...
-Amber Worman