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agressive fish

23 11:10:12

i have 2 aggressive fish that were nipping at each other and now have sores what can i do? i have already separated them.i am not sure of the breed of fish they are

Hi Margaret,

Keep an eye on them.  If the injuries get any white fluffy stuff, or look cloudy, then add some Marine Salt to the water at a rate of 2 teaspoons per gallon for a few days.  Cycle the salt out, by doing water changes of 25% per day for a week, and the fish will return to normal once any bacteria or fungus is combatted.

If you don't see cloudy fins, or they don't have puffy white cotton on them, then don't worry.  Nature will take its course, and the fins will return to normal with time.

I certainly hope you found my answer both, professional and helpful as well as friendly. :)

Your question was in the question pool today. I know it's probably been quite awhile since you asked it, so I want to ask you not to hold it against me for the other expert's tardiness in responding.  It was just given to the rest of us today, so I picked your question as soon as it arrived. :)  Rate me appropriately, please, as I strive to give professional answers, in a timely fashion...and please don't blame me for the late response.  It wasn't asked of me, but of another expert, initially.

Happy fish-keeping!