Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > We have a betta fish for about...

We have a betta fish for about...

23 15:04:57

We have a betta fish for about 1 and 1/2 years, and its doing well.  My daughter just won a  goldfish at a carnival.  Its about 2/3 the size and 1/4 the weight.  Can they coexist happily in the same tank? Is it worth a try?


Hi Kevin;

Goldfish and bettas are not compatable. Bettas are tropical and goldfish are cold water. Goldfish get big too so he would eat your poor betta eventually even if they do survive together. Goldfish need at least a 10 gallon tank with a good filter in order to thrive. They live to be 10 years or more and get 8 inches long. Many have been kept in small tank or bowls similar to bettas, but goldfish are extremely messy fish for their size and most die within a few short weeks of fish waste poisoning and lack of oxygen. Bettas just don't have those kinds of needs. They stay small and require very little oxygen because of the way they breathe.

So, get a 10 gallon for the goldfish and keep the betta where he is already thriving. They will both be happy that way.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins