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Little Accident

23 14:52:28

My husband was changing our betta's bowl this morning and Flounder (our fishy) accidentally found his way into the garbage disposal.  My husband was able to get him out and back into his bowl.  His fins are a little tattered, but he's swimming around and eating normally.  We also regularly put Stress Coat in his water.

We were wondering if he is going to be at risk for some sort of bacterial infection from whatever may have been lurking down in the disposal.  Is there something else we should be doing for him to prevent this?  Anything we can put in his water?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Hello Katie-

Oh my gosh! Poor little Flounder!

The Stresscoat is a great idea, you may also want to add a dosage of aquarium salt (or sea salt) to help kill off any lurking bacteria. Also be sure to keep the water temperature near 80 F, this will boost his immune system and help him recover quickly (not to mention weaken any nasty bugs.)

Hope this is helpful to you, and I hope your little guy has a quick recovery! (This kind of accident happens a lot to betta mommies and daddies)
-Amber Worman