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Betta,Clamped Fins, Listless then Darts, Sinks to bottom of tank.

23 11:32:36

My question is about my Betta "Little Havana" I call her little because when I got her she was about an inch in length. That was 2 months ago and she is still little. Anyway, lately she has had clamped fins and either sits up top in the corner of her tank or sinks to the bottom. Sometimes she darts around like she has parasites. Mostly when I feed her she eagerly eats except tonight ate but not eagerly. She's been weird like that for 2 weeks. The problem with diagnosing her is that she is so darn small I don't want to mis diagnose and kill her. I thought she might have velvet because she had copper on her body. I treated her and she remains the same. Also looking at pictures of her when I got her, she had the same dark (copper maybe grey, blood red, black, hard to say) areas that she has now only of course her main color was beautiful aqua greenish blue and all her fins were displayed. She is so little its hard to even distinguish where her scales are. If she had ich again she is so small I find it hard to see anything on her. I am wondering if she might have swimmers bladders and something else. 2 infections/diseases. I keep her in a quart tank because she is so small that it is big to her. I changed water every 3 weeks or so. Water is spring water store bought, I use water conditioner with stress coat, temperature in parameters of what it says it should be on fish(tropical) thermometer usually on the higher end. I use 7 or so aquarium salts (big pieces) in quart tank. I feed mostly pellets, sometimes small pieces of blood worm, tank cleaning day brine shrimp. So I am just a person who googles to get info on my bettas. I have another betta,a little bigger bought same day and lives in different same size tank, same conditions. Also have other bettas same conditions. Thank You for your time and any help you can give me. Sincerely Candice

Hi Candice,
Clamped fins indicate parasites.  I would treat her with coppersafe.  
I would also like to mention that bettas are tropical fish, and need 82 degree water, and 5 gallon tanks to live a healthy, happy life, no matter their size.  Their temperature should be brought up slowly when heating a tank.  We bring the temperature up one degree every 2 days, as bringing up the temperature too fast, could be deadly.  Under 82 degree temperature, the betta is cold, and will get sick.
Keeping bettas in one quart tank is very bad for them, they will get sick, and their lives are cut short.  If you cannot do anything about this now, change her water 2-3 times a week.  Changing her water every three weeks is far from being enough.  Change her water often...2-3 times each week.  Bettas need water changes, and even in a 5 gallon tank, their water must be change completely once a week.
When feeding bettas we must also be careful not to give them big meals.  Their tummy is the size of their eye, so we must feed them small meals, and not one big meal.
Feed them 2-3 meals a day in small amounts.  Example:  2 pellets, or 2 flakes for one meal.
They need a varied diet.  They should have daphnia in their weekly feedings.  Daphnia helps them with their digestive system, and constipation.  They should also have bloodworms once a week.  Pellets, are very good for them.  One frozen cooked green pea a week with the outer layer removed, and cut into tiny pieces is a must.  On the day you feed them the pea, feed them nothing else.  This is to help them clean out their system.
For now treat with coppersafe, and keep me posted on how Little Havana is doing.  Remember to do those water changes, they are crucial.  Don't use any salt for now.