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Injury due to Spastic swimming

23 14:14:52

My roommate and I just bought a beta about a week ago. I've cared for betas for a good 10 years now, and most of them have been pretty sedate, but this fish swims around like mad. He travels up and down the glass of the tank and repeatedly runs into the rocks on the bottom of the tank. I didn't think anything of it, but now it looks as though he has ripped a part of his tail and scraped some scales off of his head. I'm not too worried about the scrape and the tail, I think he'll be ok, but any suggestions you have to make sure those don't get infected are appreciated!

I'm going to take the decorations out to keep him from hurting himself again; do I need to remove the gravel? I have heard of young oscars being feisty, does the same apply to betas?

It seems like he might be bothered by something, probably a parasitic infection. Lots of times Betta's will swim like crazy and knock into things trying to get the parasites off. I'd suggest purchasing some Maracyn and Maracyn 2 and treating him with both. The Maracyn should cover any problems he could have.