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My Dragon Goby stopped eating

23 14:13:55

I have a beautiful Dragon Goby that I have had for about four months.It has been eating fine,mostly likes brine shrimp or anything that would float to the bottom,recently he started eating anything including stuff that would float at the top and he would even swim to the top to get it.Really an uncommon action on his part,and now all of the sudden he isn't really eating and i am worried.He just sits at the bottom.Let me know if you know anything about these fish or not please,i hope i don't lose this guy.Thanx

Hi Scott;

I regret that I really don't know anything about dragon gobies. For any fish that stops eating though, I usually look at the water quality. Make a water change and see if that helps. All fish need a weekly 25% water change.

Since he seemed to be very hungry before this, it's possible he has an internal problem such as a parasite or something. They are difficult, if not impossible to treat though. Many animals and fish have parasites in their systems but they don't cause trouble unless the animal is under stress. Do the water change and also check the temperature of the water. I know other fish will stop eating if they are too cold.

I was just reading a bit about them and they do need salt in their water. They are also shy when alone. Maybe he needs some buddies? Here is the page I found;,%20Dragon%20Goby.htm

Here are a few more;

Let me know how it's going...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins