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white swordtail

23 14:43:46

ok i have orange and black swordtail fish and one day i found three white swordtail and when i looked on the web it said white ones dont exist so can you tell me if they exist or not

Good evening Destinee, thank you for your question.

While I had not heard of an albino swordtail before, apparently they do exist. Type in "albino swordtail" (using quotations) in the search field and you will see some discussions regarding albino swordtails. Many aquarium strains do come in xanthic (albino) varieties. For example, cory cats, bristlenose plecostomus, Buenos Aires tetras - all have selectively bred albino variants. They have no skin pigment and red eyes, just like humans with albinism.

If what you mean is that one day in your tank appeared 3 swordtail fry, it is not uncommon for the fry to be without pigment the first few days. Livebearers such as swordtails will breed often and readily, usually without anything in particular to induce this behavior. Type in swordtail reproduction into the search field and begin reading about caring for swordtail fry, if that is what you are actually after. If not, then you will be pleased to know that albino swordtails do in fact exist!

Take care,