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Sick Pictus

23 15:00:34

     I have two pictus in a 20 gal.Its been set up for about 6 months.3-swordtails,1-clown pleco,and  2-pictus.All the fish had been doing fine until a couple of days ago when I noticed 1 of the pictus swimming erratically.1 of its eyes is cloudy so it cant see out of it.I do weekly water changes when I vacuum the tank.  

Hi Dave;

He may have injured it. Pictus are pretty hyper and can easily bump their eyes and hurt them. They can even poke each other with their fin rays causing injury to their tankmates. His extra erratic swimming may be due to the eye being irritated or he can't see out of that eye and it upsets him.

Keep the water extra clean and remove 25% of the water every week. This will help him heal faster. If it doesn't get better in the next couple of days it could be infected. Here is a link to a flow chart to find the right medicine;

The recommended treatments can usually be found in your local fish store. You don't have to buy them at that site.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins