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beta fish not acting right

23 14:23:17

i have had my beta for 3 years or so. and yesterday I came home and he was floating on his side. I would tap on glass and he would try to swim but his body kept trying to float upward. I thought he was dying so I tried feeding him and he was trying to swim to the food and eat. But he was still not looking good, his body is curved in like an S shape and fliping up so he is on his side. So I woke up this morning to check on him thinking he would be dead. but he seemed better. so i feed him in morning like usualy and he was eating. He wasnt flipping upward on his side as much but he still is. He seems to be swimming more. BUt not the same. I was trying to research and it sounds as if he may be constipated! So it said to put in new bowl nothing on bottom and give him a fresh pea and see if he goes to bathroom. but it also looks like his fins are kinda stuck together at the bottom. not as spread out. So i dont want to do anything with pea, or changing water. what should I do?

Hi Julie,
 You should try the pea approach. Basically, it can help to clean out his system.
 That said, keep in mind that 3 years is a very long life for a betta.  They don't often live that long.

-- Ron
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