Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > a red parasite on my african cichlid

a red parasite on my african cichlid

23 11:51:07

can't find info on a red typed of parasite located on my cichlid's tail fin.  he/she is one of the bright orange cichlids, can't remember the name.......please help me

his tank is dirty, and i will be cleaning him today....i have not been well, and my poor fish has suffered i guess....i have to leave on wed. for a few months in the hospital, and need as much info as i can get to deal with it now, or give the fish sitter, who isn't familiar with cichlids........


Hi Karen,
This is a fluke, I don't know which one as I have no picture of your fish.  Treat him with "Fluke Tabs" made by Aquarium Products.  There are other medication for flukes at the Pet Store.  Most are all very good.
You must clean your tank first before treating the fish.  Syphon from the bottom and do a good water change.  After the water change, check to see if you have ammonia in your water.  If you do, change your carbon, and do water changes everyday until the ammonia is down to zero, then treat.  
Tell your sitter to continue treatment, and give her this site to write us if she has any problems.  Buy an ammonia test kit, and show her how to use it, it is very easy to use.  She will then be able to test the water, and know if it has ammonia.  If it does, she will have to do water changes...she could write us about that.
He should be fed twice a day, small meals, and his water should be changed 25% every week with a good water conditioner such as Stress Coat, or AquaPlus.  When changing the water it must be the same temperature as the water in the tank.  A small thermometer that you can buy at the Pet Store is a must when doing water changes.  You should also have a variety of food for him.  The more you vary, the healthier for the fish.  Show her how much food you feed your fish, and tell her not to overfeed, as this would kill him.  This is so important when a sitter looks after fish.  They have a tendency to overfeed them, so show her, and everything should be fine.
I hope all goes well for you, take good care, and tell your sitter to write us if any problem should surface.
Good Luck