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dalmation mollies and creamsicles mollies( medium large size)

23 14:20:51

i have 2 male dalmation mollies and 2 female and 1 small size marble molly. i also have 1 female creamsicle molly and a VERY light ( you almost cant tell he is a creamsicle molly) male creamsile. i got them just yeaterday 11-4-07 and i got them from a different petco and they seem very "polight" well more than the other petco fish from reading MA they just mate instently wich was good because i would get babby fish ( if the fish i bought survived) because at that petco they were not the best qualety of fish so they killed a lot of my fish ( last year i had 3 generations of fish and there was 28 of them i got 4 new fish from the bad petco one day and ALL the fish died) =( like i was going to ask here is the reall question.

Q. #1. will a creamsicle molly mate with my dalmation molly

Q. #2. when will it aproxamatly be that any of the fish will mate  ( remamber they are good size)

i also have 8-9 teenish platties and they are a weird color   the breed that is the origonal is the plain yellow with black triangle tail and black tip fin but i have 3 that have red bellies or around the redish shade i did have a spoted platy that i got from my cuz but i dont know exactly what type it was but i think it was the one that those baby fish came from because it was the same shade of redness just like them.

i have a 50 US galloon tank with 1 albino catfish, 1 pleco ( medium size), 4 dalmation mollies, 2 creamsile mollies ( both mollies just listed are large in size), 1 marble molly ( smaller), and 8-9 small "teenager" platties.   i have owned mollies before none of these fish are new to me so if you are going to give me the basics on molly life then please can you give a little more in to it because i have done a lot of research to have a pretty fair share of nolage so can you PLEASE help me i am used to the "rude" mating right away mollies and i am not used to the "let me get to know you before we rush things" mollies


THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOO MUCH    get back to me as soon as you can

fishlovie256,                                                Yes all mollies can breed with each other. I have even read guppys breeding with mollies.. weird huh. Just let them get used to the tank and as long as you have males in there they WILL breed. You are doing great keeping your male outnumbered by the females to keep their aggressiveness down. They have lots of room and should be very happy . Good Luck,Tina